
Showing posts from July, 2021

My 61 Hours Journey

  61 HOURS A Jack Reacher thriller by Lee Child I picked up this book for my reading by glancing at the line on its cover page “A JACK REACHER THRILLER”. I was neither aware of the author Lee Child nor the protagonist Jack Reacher. Jack Reacher, a former US military cop enters South Dakota as a victim of a bus accident and later ends up staying there for the next 61 hours. By some intervention, he was pulled by the local cops to crack a complex drug deal case. Being involved in the case investigation Reacher volunteers to protect the witness for the case. The Storyline goes by the countdown of 61 hours for a deadly incident. When it was 51 hours to go, the story gripped me into it. At the 31 st hour, I had started predicting the culprit. Not bad!! my prediction was proved right at the 60 th hour, just an hour left when Reacher confronted the culprit. A thought struck me suddenly as to why the intelligent Jack Reacher did not predict the culprit when it was still 31 hours? I...